...aPril faYe...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

An assignment in Practical Arts:
Practical Arts 2

Name: April Faye P. Barbadillo Section: II - St. Ogilvie Date: February 25, 2007

1. Research on the definition of arts and crafts:
Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's own hands and skill. Most crafts require a combination of skill, speed, and patience, but they can also be learnt on a more basic level by virtually anyone.

2. Define handicrafts.
Handicraft is a type of work where useful and decorative devices are made completely by hand or using only simple tools. It is also known as craftwork or simply craft. Usually the term is applied to traditional means of making goods. The individual artisanship of the items is a paramount criterion, such items often have cultural and/or religious significance.

3. Describe each type of arts and crafts.
a. Crafts involving textiles - activities that involve raw materials used for making fabrics raw such as fiber or yarn like embroidery, canvas work knitting, lucet, string art, tapestry, weaving, needlepoint, millinery and macrame
b. Crafts involving wood, metal or clay - activities that involve the use of materials that can be obtained from nature. Some activities include jewelry, sculptur, wood burning, marquetry, chip carving and woodworking.
c. Crafts involving paper or canvas - activities that involve the use of strong heavy closely woven fabric of cotton, hemp, or jute. Some examples are origami, marbling, collage, calligraphy, stamping, scrapbooking abd cardmaking.
d. Crafts involving plants - activities that involve the use of plants like basket weaving, straw marquetry, pressed flower craft and corn dolly making.

4. Give two examples to each type of arts and crafts.
A. Crafts involving textiles
a. Embroidery
b. Knitting
B. Crafts involving wood, metal or clay
a. Cabinet making
b. Pottery
C. Crafts involving paper or canvas
a. Decoupage
b. Bookbinding
D. Crafts involving plants
a. Corn dolly making
b. Pressed flower craft
E. Other Crafts
a. Egg Decorating
b. Etching

5. Write down the source of your information.

6. List down the different types of arts and crafts.
a. Crafts involving textiles
b. Crafts involving wood, metal or clay
c. Crafts involving paper or canvas
d. Crafts involving plants
e. Other crafts

...I'm Tired of Things...

...it's been how many days since i had my last post... hmm... honestly... i get kinda lazy to make anoder post... i dunno why.... haha... anyway... let me tell you of the things i have been doing this past few days...>>>

...uhmm... i've been watching sakura since Thursday... It has 70 episodes and yah... i'm on the 54th right at this moment... i really enjoyed the first 40 episodes i think.... there are too many mysteries unveiled that seem to destroy my interest... anyway... i'd finish it still... my next plans: Mirmo and Fruits Basket! wweee!!!!

...den yesterday... argh! i hate yesterday! i hate it! you see, he/she insisted on having our pictorial in the La Purisima campus but then.... the guards won't let us in! duh! dat's a policy and my "classmate" don't understand!... why blame the guards? argh... and yah... tardiness! how would everyone come early if they would know that the leader himself won't come early? what a very good example... isn't it? dat day was such a waste of time! NVM.... do't talk to me about this because i know you'd say that i was the one who didn't understand! hmpf...

...wweee!!!! 3rd time lucky! i won again in a contest through text message.... haha... i won 30 pesos load.... isn't that sweet???

...uhm... got no more to say... ttfn! tc olweiz!


Friday, February 16, 2007


hi there.. i'm getting more and more bored as time passes by... am i not appreciating things around me??? (according to father chambers)... oohh... anyway i'll just tell something about yesterday>>>

...not my very ordinary day... i learned a trick in playing cards... should i say that's a magic trick???!!! hahaha... pat-pat taught me... but anjo is the master of that trick... haha... i also learned about that story out of cards... haha... wanna play one-two-three pass but got no one to play with right now...

...afternoon... my friend forced me to watch the JS prom practice... and for what??? i dunno maybe she's excited bout next year... den i planned to go to town to buy DVD of Sakura and Mirmo!!! wwee!! i'm too much excited but den i can't go alone and pat-pat, supposed to be my companion still has a pictorial... :(

...ohh... today... i woke up earlier than usual... weird... i watched kim possible in ABS-CBN... nice.... den i watched the movie "The Notebook"... really nice movie...nice story... hehe... and right now... doing this post.... i'm listening to music, watching a video in youtube and getting bored...

....till then... TTFN.. tc...


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

...It's Valentines Day...

nice photo though.. it fits me.. greeting u a happy valentines day even though i'm sad and bored... and yah.. i do love kittens too...

...yah... It's Valentines Day... i received a lot of messages from my classmates wishing me a happy valentines day... well i guess it wasn't happy at all...>>>

...me and my special friends decided to hang out at my house since we don't have classes in the afternoon... but then it was postponed because of absence, KJs, pictorial... blah... never mind that... don't react about this cause i'm not actually angry... just disappointed...

...i spent the whole afternoon facing the computer... watching movies (actually just one... so it's movie), chat and doing this blog... i'm really bored and thinking that this afternoon should be spent and was supposed to be spent with them...

...but anyway, i got gifts from my cousin... chocolate, stuff toy and balloon.... and yah... i made the font red just for the occasion... haha...

...that's all i have to say for now... and i'm kinda hungry... TTFN... take curr...


Sunday, February 11, 2007

...Family Day...

A picture of me and my classmates during the family day... Thanks to Ninel for the pic...:)

..oohhh... it's family day yesterday...>>>

i went to the La Purisima campus at around 2 pm... Our plan was to ride in Pata's car and together go to the Tumaga campus but then we thought of transferring to Melody's car so we can have other companions... the motorcade was fun... I enjoyed it with my dearest classmates...

when we arrive at the Tumaga campus, we attended the mass... even though it supposed to be family day, i was still with my classmates and friends... After the mass we went to the second year booth and watched the program and took pictures...

i had so much fun being with my classmates... we had dinner and pictures, pictures, pictures...... and more pictures... i'm so happy!!! wweee!!!

i thought i'll have all the happiness in the world but then i had to go home... KJ! :( that's too early... it's still 8 pm... I didnt have the chance to watch the fireworks display! argh! i went home without even saying a word... haha...

i wish next time they will make a program like that just for students!!!! hahahaha..

TTFN! take curr...

(,") ~april~

Saturday, February 10, 2007

...Weird Day...

Picture from Mark...

...wweee... i'm kinda inspired to write a new post... wwweee... coz i had an interesting day... here's the story>>>

...morning, i woke up... bad mood... i'm having troubles whether to go or not to school... my friends were very confusing... haha... but i ended up going early and attending the outreach for the ITS... anyway i was impressed with a SPED student... His name is Ronel... he's fun to "talk" to... hehe...

...after the outreach, me and some classmates went down to the cafeteria... we were talking bout our other classmates... and good thing, i realized my mistakes... i won't tell much bout it... den we went to Papito's for lunch... haha... we had to contribute for the lost money... nooo!!!! haha...

...the pictorial started... last night i was expecting that this day would be miserable especially the pictorial but i was wrong! we had different poses... emo, happy, sad... haha... i had so much fun... i'm sooo happy! haha... especially with those poses... :x

...it's time to say goodbye... we went home with smiling faces after how many pictures... my friend Marielle went with me in the tricy... I dropped her at a certain street and she had to walk home... wweee!

...till next post! TTFN... tc olweiz!

(,") ~april~

Friday, February 9, 2007

...Bad Mood...

oohhh... I'm really really tired... uhuhu... den I'm disappointed because I can't change the template of my blog... I'm not so successful....:( I gave up after how many tries... well, never mind... maybe I can do it next tym and it will be surely better.... ahaha... Anyways, I learned something new today... thanks to erwin... he taught me how to add photos to my profile... I've got lots of things to do... First on my list>>>

...Memorize the script for our Social Studies role play... but looking at the bright side, we still had time to prepare and improve our presentation... I hope everything will be fine on Monday...

...Tomorrow, our group will have a pictorial for our Compo project... oh dear... we're messing it up... misunderstandings.... irresponsibility...

...Family Day on Sunday... I'm not excited about it... but I can't do anything... A friend told me he wished it would be a Friend's Day.... I do wish he was true... ahehe... I'm so evil...

...I do wish I won't be too lazy tomorrow to review on my Chem lessons... shame on me... I got a very very low grade on our first quiz... shame, shame... That's too basic and still.... T.T never mind... haha.. I'm trying to be an optimist...

Despite all those hardships I faced and going to face I'm still happy because I got a high grade for Literature in my card... Also, I answered all the questions in our Religion quiz... I've learned a lot from all those proverbs...

I should be contented with life... I should find inspiration... ahaha... but still I wanna improve the layout of my blog... someone please help... TTFN...:(

(,") ~april~

Thursday, February 8, 2007

...Favorite Poems...

Here are some of my favorite poems... The first one's inspiring... I first saw it in the table of my aunt... The second is fun... I learned it from my first year moderator...>>>

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow -
You might succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup.
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt -
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.

All because you kissed me Goodnight

I climbed the door and opened the stairs,
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers.
Then turned off the bed and crawled into the light
---All because you kissed me goodnight.

Next morning, I woke and scrambled my shoes,
Polished my eggs and toasted the news.
I couldn't tell my left from my right---
All because you kissed me goodnight.

That evening, at last I felt normal again,
So I picked up my mother and called the phone.
I spoke to the puppy and threw dad a bone.
Even at midnight
the sun was still bright---
All because you kissed me goodnight.
(,") ~april~
P.S. I would just keep on adding up poems dat I consider my favorite in dis post...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

...School Days...

...haii... it's been days since i wrote my first blog... i'm kinda busy dis week... projects and assignments... ooohhh...>>>

Last Monday we watched the film Aishite Imasu... nice ah... hehe... touching... den we had a project for Social Studies... thank God na-delay kme! hahaha... we'll present our role play/talk show or whatever on Monday instead of today... haii... i'll make another script tonight... den anoder assignment... our role play in Practical Arts... we didn't practice yet... haha...

... i think that's all for now... till next tym... TTFN.. tc!

(,") ~april~

Friday, February 2, 2007

...Just Myself...

...hello... it's my first time to create my personal blog... ohh... i'm still exploring the world of blogging... hehe... to start with, i'll introduce my self>>>

...I'm April... Full name is April Faye P. Barbadillo... I have many nicknames both in school and at home... they are kinda silly... to name some, these are "April", "Apwet" and "Phring"... hehe... but I enjoy hearing my frends call me names that we are comfortable with... I was born on April 7, 1993... As I am writing this post, I am 13 years old... oh well... I also have one sister... She's two years older but smaller... dunno why! :)

....I'm a shy-type of person when I don't know you but when you'll get to know me, I'm kinda naughty and noisy... I'd be silent with a person I do not know much... I'm not that frendly... but trying to become... I hate people who are too annoying... It would be just better if you'll not talk to me at all... oohhh... hehehe... I become quiet during class hours because sometimes I'm bored and sleepy but not always... but every time a teacher leaves the classroom I regain my happy mood and do silly things again...

....Favorite pastime is talking with friends or doing anything with my frends... I do have a circle of very close frends... Dyan, Marielle, Pata(as I call him), Mark, Melody, Pat-Pat and Joyce... We call ourselves Currburrs... we're too childlike... we love to play children's games... we love doing things together... something like watching movies together and hanging out in one's house... laughing at jokes and singing our favorite songs together... just enjoying the moments we have... and yah... eating together in the cafeteria after classes... Aside from the seven mentioned above I also have frends that I can share my stories to like Ginelle, Erwin, Ninel, Earl and many more... I do hope I can be closer with the other Ogilvians..

...I love the colors pink, light blue and lavender... too common, but never mind... I enjoy seeing these colors together... I love ice cream and white chocolate... Watching television shows and movies, surfing the net, playing pc games, texting and eating are just some of my hobbies... I enjoy eating during class hours not to mention that I also text during these times... I'm always tired when I get home from school... Now, my studying depends on my mood... I usually sleep at around 9 pm to 10 pm... and wake up at 5:30 am...

...I love my new Religion lessons because I always learn things that I can apply to my life especially our lesson on Proverbs and Forgiveness... and I'm trying to live the proverb "Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute"...

...I guess that's all for now... TTFN! tata for now... take care olweiz...

(,") ~april~